Indian Chicken Sandwich

Monday’s really one of those days when you have little motivation to step up the cooking game. Most people around me either had a few too many Chardonnay bottles or one hell of a party weekend, so they kinda need that extra bit of fuel & vitamines to survive the workweek ahead. No worries my awesome foodlovin’ creatures, Dishtales is helping out with this very easy, cheap & mouthful of vitamins Indian Chicken Sandwich! 

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I’m keeping things simply for you by just skipping the cooking process shots and jumping straight to the recipe, which basically consists of seasoning, baking and stuffing. It’s the very first Dinner For 1 recipe that Dishtales is posting and as we’re aiming to nourish those underfed weekend bellies the ingredients cover not 1, but 2 fantastic sandwiches. You could even wrap it up for your Tuesday lunch! Just follow the recipe below (as far as baking and stuffing can be named a recipe) and prepare yourself for an explosion of taste & healthy energy to kickoff the week. 

Indian Chicken Sandwich


  • 1 piece of chicken breast
  • 1 bell pepper
  • 50 gr. spinach (fresh)
  • 25 gr. cilantro
  • 2 tbsp. cottage cheese
  • 1 or 2 pita breads (any bread will do; I used wholegrain pita bread)
  • Mango chutney (try my homemade recipe by clicking on the link above this recipe)
  • To Marinate the Chicken:
  • 1 tsp. turmeric
  • 1 tsp. paprika powder
  • a pinch of ground chili
  • 1 lime
  • 2 tbsp. olive oil


  1. Slice the chicken and marinate with ingredients above
  2. Chop the spinach, bell pepper and cilantro
  3. Bake the chicken
  4. Now simply stuff your sandwich and top it all with cottage cheese, mango chutney and (if preferred) you can sprinkle it with some leftover lime; enjoy!

PS. The recipe features a Homemade Mango Chutney as one of the ingredients. Click here for the recipe, it’s to die for! 🙂

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Indian Chicken Sandwich Blog Post Image (3 of 4)


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